Saturday, June 25, 2011

"Romblon, Romblon, My Home Sweet Home, april 2010, lyrics/melody by lolo bomboy

romblon, romblon, my home sweet home,
april 2010, lyrics/melody by silvestre j. acejas,
sports editor, "the marble", rhs class 58
Domingo, 11 de Abril de 2010

romblon is the town where i was born
romblon is the town where i ha...d grown
romblon is the town where my dreams were hewn
and it's the place where all my plans in life were formed

romblon is the town where my heart belongs
romblon is the town that i've missed for so long
(romblon is the town that i call my own)
romblon is the town where my friendships bloomed
where my weary, lonely soul always finds a home

wherever in the world
i may happen to roam
there can be no other place
that i can call my home
there can be no other place
but you my dear romblon
a place to where i hope
someday i could return

you are the place that
i shall always call my home
sweet home
my home sweet home
is romblon, romblon

romblon is the town where marble grows
romblon is a town where there's copra too
romblon is a town where the pearls are also true
and the sands along the shores are as white as snow

romblon is a town where storms are few
where the sea and the sky seem to be always blue
romblon is a town that is full of scenic view
all these things and more truly make us love her so

wherever in the world
i may happen to roam
there can be no other place
that i can call my home
there can be no other place
but you my dear romblon
a place to where i hope
someday i could return

you are the place that
i shall always call my home
sweet home
my home sweet home
is romblon, romblon

with all your palm trees and beaches
and mountains beckoning to us
romblon you are mother nature coddling us

and the boat rides we had
on moonlit romblon bay
oh how i miss them now
with every passing day
the hikes we took once in a while
in your mountain trails
those i guess were not for some who
didn't want to dare

and the winding roads along the foot
of your many hills,
few other sights here on earth can keep
me breathless still
and the marble hearts we carved from stones
and polished to shine
we gave them all away to friends
to remember us by

you are the place where
someday i hope i could stay

you are the place that i
shall always call my home
sweet home

my home sweet home
is romblon, romblon.

Written on Thursday
romblon, romblon, my home sweet home
april 2010,
lyrics/melody by silvestre j. acejas
revised oct. 2010

A Denise Gómez le gusta esto..
Silvestre Acejas how did you see this...?

21 de Mayo a las 08:44 p.m. ·
Mell Alejandro Acejas nasa upper portion

na po ung pictures, uncle bomboy :-)
22 de Mayo a las 12:33 p.m. ·
Silvestre Acejas oo nga.. kasi inulit ko ata ito...

pero hindi ko ata puedeng maupload sa notes
ko yong pictures na tinag lang sa fb ko...
meron bang way na magawa ko ito...
meaning use sa notes ko yong mga nasabing
pictures... thanks...23 de Mayo a las 02:23 a.m. 
Facebook © 2010
Silvestre Acejas thank you very much...
28 de Noviembre a las 09:08 a.m 1 Persona:

A Reign Chyng le gusta esto..
Silvestre Acejas@Reign, thank you very much...


I humbly dedicate this song to the memory of my loving parents,

the spouses Salvador B. Acejas, Sr. and Florentina J. Acejas
of romblon, romblon, and to the people of romblon town and
province whose support and patronage of the Madrid Store which
my mother operated in romblon, romblon enabled my parents to
send their children to college so they could secure a better life
for themselves and their own children....
by silvestre j. acejas, sports editor, "The Marble", rhs class 58...
03 de Diciembre a las 04:10 p.m.

11 December 2010 at 00:06 ·

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